Benchmark Environmental Engineering provides environmental consulting, testing and education services for multi-family housing complexes. Based in San Jose, we have assisted property owners and property managers throughout the State of California for over 20 years.
Our team of environmental engineers, industrial hygienists, and certified instructors offer a comprehensive portfolio of services for apartment complexes, condominiums, and government housing communities.
Environmental Services for Multi-Family Housing Complexes
Benchmark Environmental Engineering is California’s leading environmental consulting firm. We work with you and your facilities and maintenance staff to ensure the health and safety of your employees and tenants. Our wide range of testing, inspection and consulting services include:
- Asbestos & Lead Surveys
- Mold Investigations
- Indoor Air Quality Testing
- Radon Testing
- Health and Safety Inspections
- Development of Operations & Maintenance Plans
- Pre-Construction Surveys
- Construction Defect Inspections
Training For Facilities & Maintenance Staff
Benchmark Environmental also offers environmental training for your facilities and maintenance personnel. Our continuing education courses are valid for certification and recertification credit. They reduce your liability and help to ensure the safety of your staff and tenants. Benchmark Environmental Engineering’s California State Certified Teachers can conduct this training at your facilities or a variety of convenient locations.
Budget & Time Requirements
Benchmark Environmental Engineering is sensitive to budget and time requirements, and it is our priority to minimize your loss of use and provide you with sound solutions that protect the health of your tenants. We provide owners and managers of condos, apartments and housing communities with 24-hour response and quick testing and turnaround times in Santa Clara County and throughout California.
We Work With Your Contractors
We work hand-in-hand with your remediation contractors, maintenance staff, and code inspectors to ensure a turnkey testing, remediation, and clearance process. Our assessment methods meet and exceed all state and federal requirements, and we adhere to a strict internal Quality Control Program.
Protect Your Liability
We have built a reputation for developing solid analysis and remediation plans that protect your liability as a multi-family housing owner or manager. Benchmark Environmental Engineering employs industrial hygienists throughout the United States and provides national coverage for multi-family housing clients with a larger presence.
Consulting & Expert Witness Services
We also provide owners and managers of California apartment complexes, condominiums and housing communities with value-added services, including our environmental continuing education program and litigation services. Benchmark Environmental Engineering gives expert witness testimony in court cases, arbitration and depositions in San Jose and throughout California.
Our Portfolio Of Clients
Our large portfolio of multi-family housing clients includes real estate companies, government agencies and property management firms across the United States. No matter the size or scope of the job, Benchmark Environmental Engineering will provide you with a cost-effective solution that meets all of your needs.