Benchmark has been awarded a multi-year contract with the Fresno County Department of Public Health, Environmental Health Division for Lead Inspections and Risk Assessments for their $ 3 million dollar HUD Lead-Based Paint Hazard Control Grant.
The Environmental Health Division works jointly with the department’s Public Health Nurses and other professionals as part of the Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program (CLPPP) team and manages a $3 million dollar HUD Lead-Based Paint Hazard Control Grant.
The Lead Hazard Control Grant Program provides assessment and remediation of pre-1978 dwellings for low-income families where children under six reside or visit on a regular basis. Both programs provide services to the community to increase awareness about the hazards of Lead exposure and increase the number of children tested for blood Lead poisoning. In addition to information and education to the general public, the CLPPP offers home visitation, environmental home inspections and health education to families of severely lead-poisoned children. Telephone contact and educational materials are also provided to families of moderately lead-poisoned children.
Benchmark is proud to be part of the team with the Fresno County Department of Public Health.