Environmental Dangers Of Flood Water

At Benchmark Environmental Engineering, we’re aware of the potential dangers to our California homes and businesses when there are floods in our neighborhoods. Our team serves California with inspections, testing, and water quality analyses from our three locations in San Jose, Los Angeles, and San Diego.

  • Flood Waters Contain Harmful Debris
  • Floodwater Can Damage Plumbing
  • Potentially Hazardous Runoff Should Be Tested
  • Guard Against Contaminated Ground Water

Flood Waters Contain Harmful Debris

When floodwaters reach your neighborhood, the powerful current moves many pollutants and dangerous debris far distances. Stones, trees, and house particles mix with eroded vegetation to negatively impact your community’s homes, businesses, and infrastructure. In addition, pesticides, phytoplankton blooms, and growing algae can get into your city’s water supply, so rapid testing is required to preserve the quality of your community’s drinking water quality.

Floodwater Can Damage Plumbing

When a flood damages plumbing, water-born viruses, very high levels of bacteria, and sewage and parasites can compromise your home and business. Family members and colleagues can become sick or worse from newly contaminated drinking sources. Additionally, it can cause harmful infections if it gets into a cut in your skin. Benchmark Environmental Engineering will do damage inspections and testing when your home or business experiences a leak, heavy storm, or flood.

Potentially Hazardous Runoff Should Be Tested

Throughout the state, as property owners, you should be aware of any potentially contaminated stormwater that is accessing or leaving your land or impacting your standing or drinking water. When there is a flood or storm, there is likely to be an influx of hazardous chemicals from unknown sources. Therefore, your personnel must contact testing specialists like our team of professionals to keep your property safe.

Guard Against Contaminated Ground Water

Your neighborhood testing specialists at Benchmark Environmental Engineering can help you to protect your health and environment with periodic testing. It’s imperative to take care of your tenants and family by testing your groundwater. Wells can be a source of bacteria, but a few quick tests can keep you informed and provide a strategy for staying safe.

Contact Us For A Quote Today

If you have concerns about damage to your California home or business due to waters flooding your property, contact us at Benchmark Environmental Engineering. Professionals from one of our three locations in San Jose, Los Angeles, and San Diego will be happy to come out and perform any necessary inspections, testing, and analyses of water quality for you. Contact us today to find out which test is best for you.